If Only it Were that Simple....

7:12 p.m.~2005-04-21

I�ve noticed that my life operates in running themes. For weeks at a time I will eat the same thing for dinner every night. I have just moved out of my Red Baron Pizza stage and into a soup and sandwhich stage. I remember driving my dormmates crazy in college because I played Sheryl Crow�s Strong Enough for days and days. Then it was Sophie B. Hawkins� As I Lay Me Down.. Then it was Tribe Called Quest's Award Tour. And on, and on. I only bring this up because I am discussing Donnaville once again. I like her, I really do. She is quite open and refreshingly honest on a topic that many people (men and women) would tend to neglect, gloss over or straight up lie about. Today she pointed out that she bought two books both which fall under the general topic �How to Get a MAN.� And she wasn�t apologetic about it at all. When I have company I hide my �Idiot�s Guide to the Art of Seduction� in a kitchen cupboard.

This makes me feel a sort of guilty pleasure in reminiscing about J* and G, both of whom fancied me in unrequited adoration. Even if I never end up in wedded bliss I will know that I was loved.

Speaking of guilty pleasures, tonight I plan on taking J (no relation to above) to Outback Steakhouse, as I owe him dinner many times over. There is one located right next to Lowe�s and it taunts me with every trip to get this, that, or the other Home Improvement item. I plan fulfilling my duties as an official Hedonist and acting like a complete glutton. In fact the Chocolate Thunder from Down Under is looking mighty good.

Booknotes: Yesterday I started on Conviction by James North Patterson. I have read other things by him and not been overly enthralled. He usually has titles that draw from nursery rhymes and such. The most interesting thing about his books is that he often writes from a black detective�s point of view (not necessarily first person). The image on the back cover however, could pass for Eric the Viking. The story so far deals with a death penalty case, and is quite compelling. At the beginning he quotes Justice Blackmun and Scalia regarding their views on capital punishment. Guess which one sounds like a bigger asshole.

*Names greatly abbreviated to protect the innocent





Crushing on Dean (Sigh!) - 2005-06-30
My new love affair with the Right - 2005-05-27
Filibuster Shmilibuster! - 2005-05-25
I Heart Real Life - 2005-05-17
Media Madness - 2005-05-12

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes. - Desiderius Erasmus

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