If Only it Were that Simple....

9:15 p.m.~2005-05-27

I always thought the liberal media was some sort of ephemeral catchphrase that was invented to scare Americans into turning their radio dials to Rush and Hannity�you know to counter the leftist commentary you find on radical liberal stations like CNN and MSNBC. Leave it to the right to prove me wrong. I was recently directed to the blog of Michelle Milkin, whom most of us on the left think of as a nothing more than self-righteous harpy, by none other than my old fave the Dawn Patrol (two peas in a pod, no?).

Lo and behold I actually found something useful. . A whole segment dedicated to people who have dabbled around with the idea of Georgie Boy dead�with links and everything. Now, before I am abducted by the SECRET �Service� and disappeared to Guantanamo Bay for an extended vacation, I am NOT advocating the murder of Georgie Boy in any way. That would be illegal! But I do find it ironic that I would learn about other Bush haters on such a conservative platform. Searching through her archives I came across more examples than I can count of the media, and others, actually having a slightly, vaguely, miniscule, microscopic hint of liberal bias. Ohhh the Washington Post doesn�t burn Randi Rhodes at the stake for a slightly inappropriate (but funny) bit where she compares Georgie Boy to Fredo Corleone. Perhaps because there are many of us who have at one time or another compared GW to the least capable member of the Corleone family, though not necessarily to the same ends.

BTW in this same post she practically falls over herself to mention Air America as many times as possible. Doesn�t she realize there is no such thing as bad publicity? Air America no longer needs to waste precious funds on advertising, Michelle does it for free!

I just love it that the right has become a tool through which I can find information that I actually care about. Anytime something that even remotely supports the left occurs I can turn to any number of right wing commentators/bloggers/�journalists�/blowhards/asshats/guys-down-the-street to find it. Yes, I have to filter out all the rubbish about gaymarriageliberalmediababykillingactivistjudgesstemcellresearchrapmusicsexeducationantienvironmentalistswelfaremomsfilibusterterrorism crapfest. It�s a tough job, but somebody�s got to do it. To those of you on the right, keep up the good work!

In a nod back to the center, my very good friend Jeff has decided to honor my semi-daily diatribe on his website. This should boost my stats from 2 to at least 3!





Crushing on Dean (Sigh!) - 2005-06-30
My new love affair with the Right - 2005-05-27
Filibuster Shmilibuster! - 2005-05-25
I Heart Real Life - 2005-05-17
Media Madness - 2005-05-12

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes. - Desiderius Erasmus

Currently Reading:Still on Scarlett...it's kind of anticlimactic because I saw the TV movie and it's all coming back to me.


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