If Only it Were that Simple....

7:24 a.m.~2005-04-22

As usual I woke up to my local NPR Station this morning, switching back and forth between that and Democracy Now I was happily surprised to hear about This Story. I only wish I could have seen Scalia's face when he was asked about sodomizing his wife. The only sad part about this is 1) It will do nothing to reshape Scalia's own "Judicial Activism" (and make no mistake, he is just as active as those he critiques) and 2) I now have the image of him rear-ending his wife.

Don't law schools get it? As a former law student myself I can honestly say I have never met a student who enters law school with any other intent than "helping others." And I went to a school that was largely populated by graduates of its conservative "spoiled children" undergrad student body. Even there the Pro Bono ideal held fast. This idealism does not hold well against the neo-con fanaticism of Scalia. He should just stick to his speaking engagements at NRA rallies and Corporate functions.

I love surveys. Yestderday I found out I was a Hedonist, today I found out that I speak normal old American English:

Your Linguistic Profile:

65% General American English
15% Dixie
15% Yankee
5% Upper Midwestern
0% Midwestern

I guess this comes from being born and Raised in LaLa land since everyone knows, General American English is what they speak on Film. I attribute the 15% Dixie to having spent the past 2 years in H-town. 15% Yankee to my good friend N, who hails from Penn. and my sis who went to Swarthmore. 15% Upper Midwestern(Huh?!).





Crushing on Dean (Sigh!) - 2005-06-30
My new love affair with the Right - 2005-05-27
Filibuster Shmilibuster! - 2005-05-25
I Heart Real Life - 2005-05-17
Media Madness - 2005-05-12

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes. - Desiderius Erasmus

Currently Reading:Going back and forth between Conviction by Richar North Patterson and Seven Up Janet Evanovich


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