If Only it Were that Simple....

6:43 a.m.~2005-04-14

Well, I am officially a new mom! Two days ago I went to PetSmart in order to scope out the doggies in preparation for their annual adoption on the 29th. There were nothing but two pitiful looking cats. In deference to Stripe and Misty I felt for them. But my mind was set on something less woeful. I was hounded by a PetSmart Lady who was very into her job. Not wanting to seem like a complete window shopper I walked around the store as if I was very interested in obtaining a reptile aquarium or scientifically designed bird feed. Finally I asked her about adopting a dog. She told me that adoptions really happened every Saturday but that I should go to the SPCA which adopts every day and see what they have. She was a very strong advocate for the SPCA route, which was to her credit.

Anyway, we happened to be discussing this next to the Small Animal section. I suddenly herd small scratching noises to my left. I turned and saw two tiny mouse-like creatures running and tumbling with each other. My eyes swam. They were like two rambunctious puppies only less consuming. I had to have them! But then remembered that this was not a rug from Target. I would be in charge of two living beings. So I went home to think about it.

And I thought, and thought. And all day yesterday I read up on gerbils. Yes, gerbils are social and playful. No gerbils do not bite. Yes, gerbils are easy to care for. No, gerbils should not be left alone for days at a time....I had gerbil brain yesterday. I told M about my plans to purchase two gerbils and she let out something that resembled a cross between a screech, a snort, and a laugh. That pretty much defines her position on the issue. I don't think she is hot on the idea of people having small rodents in the house...in POURPOSE. But what ever makes me happy.

So I went to PetSmart and there they were, snug as a bug in the wood shavings. I bought the aquarium, shavings, the big spinning wheel, the food dish, the water bottle, and some food. I took them home and watched them while I ate dinner. Like every new mom, I went down to check on them every half hour. God I love them!





Crushing on Dean (Sigh!) - 2005-06-30
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When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes. - Desiderius Erasmus

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