If Only it Were that Simple....

6:38 a.m.~2005-04-12

Why do people feel that unadulterated obligation to praise someone who has just "done something different" with their hair. I just saw someone I work with who cut her hair into something resembling a "bob." She has a divinely cute round face. This type of face does not go with shortish hair. The long flowing blonde locks you had before suited you. No, your new haircut does not make you look "More Mature." It only accentuates the roundness of your face and adds an imaginary ten pounds on you. I am almost certain that this is not the effect you wanted. Did I tell her this? No. I gave the obligatory "I like you new hair cut." And she gave the obligatory "Thanks." It was the same thing with my mother who decided to "try a new color" with her hair around Christmas. This time it was a light brown instead of her usual brunette with a subtle hint of maroon. I was forced to grin and bear it. "I like your new color mom." She at least had the since to give the doubtful "You do? I wasn't sure but thanks anyway." Which gets me going on my second point. If you do give the obligatory "I like your new hair-cut/color/style/abomination" you may unintentionally obliterate any hope of them going back to their dresser to get a revision. It was only after my mother came to her senses and went with her standard color that I could tell her how I felt. I of course refrained from telling her that I thought she looked like gingerbread souffl�. Please ignore any future impulses you have to "Be Nice." As the saying goes "you must be cruel to be kind."





Crushing on Dean (Sigh!) - 2005-06-30
My new love affair with the Right - 2005-05-27
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I Heart Real Life - 2005-05-17
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When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes. - Desiderius Erasmus

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