If Only it Were that Simple....

9:40 p.m.~2005-05-09

Last Wednesday I went to a workshop on buying real estate. It was free but the 2-day class they convinced me to sign up for with a membership was not. I still feel good about the decision even though it did cost $500 (yikes!). I have noticed that I have no ambition at work. Yes, that is due in large part to SS but it also has to do with my state of mind. I am not an inside-the-box person. (Yes I know that is an overplayed clich� statement but I was using it long before it became a catch-phrase so back off.) I have always wanted something more and different so I am going for it.

The larger point is that they convinced me to read the popular 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. They also said to read Deepak Chopra�s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success . I found the latter to be an easy an effectual read. I was especially attuned to the part about the laws of Giving and Karma. It reminded me of a discussion I had with the Troubled One at work. He is a confused young man who has some unsound views on morality. We were discussion gay marriage and I was making the point about the Golden Rule. I gave the example of how that very morning someone had rudely (and undeservedly) beeped their horn at me. This upset me and so I took it out on a car later on that decided to make a left turn in front of me without putting on their signal. I beeped just as the first person had beeped at me�for no responsible reason. I probably continued an entire chain of events that escaladed from one person being rude and mean to the next. The point was that the same chain reaction would be in place if I was especially nice to someone. Reading Chopra�s book brought this back to me.

This point was reinforced on Saturday when I went to go see Crash. It basically illustrated everything I just mentioned. You have a bunch of people who interact with one another and take out their initial (bad) interaction on the next person that comes along and it simply escalates from there. By the end of the movie you have people beating each other up, assaulting people with guns, degrading others, and getting killed. All because of one bad interaction at the beginning of the day. Being a native Angelina (which is where the movie takes place) I can say that it probably was not an exaggeration of reality.

The moral is: be good to one another.





Crushing on Dean (Sigh!) - 2005-06-30
My new love affair with the Right - 2005-05-27
Filibuster Shmilibuster! - 2005-05-25
I Heart Real Life - 2005-05-17
Media Madness - 2005-05-12

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes. - Desiderius Erasmus

Currently Reading:See Left


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