As it Were....

2005-03-30 - Mommy Dearest
2005-03-25 - Am I a bitch?
2005-03-24 - How many Time Warner Reps does it take to screw in a light bulb?
2005-03-22 - Painting in the Buff
2005-03-22 - Me is Illiterate
2005-03-16 - Observations on the Obvious
2005-03-16 - Dairy of a Homeowner: First Snafu
2005-03-15 - Diary of a Homeowner
2005-03-14 - Ken Lay and Real Estate
2005-03-11 - Successfully drinking liberally
2005-03-10 - Head Lush
2005-03-09 - OH YEAH!
2005-03-09 - Welcome to my future

March 2005




When lost on the confusing road of life, remember that left is always the right way to go. - Yours Truly